Well Dang !!!

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Well Dang !!!

Post by Deadeye48 »

Planned on taking a different rifle to Mulberry Thursday and I havent hunted with it in 2 seasons
Set up on my bench to shoot at 300 yds
My first group was decent at 2" high and 3" right
I made the correct adjustments and fired another group
This 2nd group was 8" low and 10" left
Made the correct adjustments again and fire another group
No change
I adjusted again and fired another group
No change
I bought this rifle and scope new nearly 20 years ago and have never had to touch the scope since getting it dialed in
This is the first Leupold scope I've ever had any issue with and this scope has been discontinued so I'm not sure if theyll replace or repair

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Re: Well Dang !!!

Post by Walktheline »

I posted a few weeks ago I had this happen with one of my nikons. Never had an issue with a Nikon scope other than bumping one off 4 years ago climbing down a tree.

It’s head scratching wondering why a scope would change when it’s been in a safe for 11 months.

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daniel white
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Re: Well Dang !!!

Post by daniel white »

I bought a rifle few weeks ago and it has a luepold vari x1 on it. It’s not as clear as I’d like, especially on higher power. I’m gonna send it back and see what they say about it.

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Re: Well Dang !!!

Post by Deadeye48 »

I got the rifle out again and made the correct adjustments again
It actually hit paper that time but the adjustments are way off
1 click is like 4” at 300 when 1 moa at 300 is 3 “ which is 4 clicks
Yep it’s going back

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